Invited speakers
Keynote1: Tanzeem Choudhury - Cornell University and HealthRhythms Inc
Title: Closing the sensing-to-intervention loop for behavioral health
Abstract: Mobile and ubiquitous computing research has led to new techniques for cheaply, accurately, and continuously collecting data on human behavior that include detailed measurements of physical activities, mobility, social interactions, mood, sleep quality and more. Continuous and unobtrusive sensing of behaviors has tremendous potential to support the lifelong management of mental health by: (1) acting as an early warning system to detect changes in mental well-being, (2) delivering personalized interventions to patients when and where they need them, and (3) significantly accelerating patient and physician understanding of changes in mental health in real-time. In this talk, I will give an overview of our work on turning sensor-enabled mobile devices into well-being monitors and instruments for administering real-time/real-place interventions.
Bio: Tanzeem Choudhury is a Professor of Computing and Information Sciences at Cornell Tech where she holds the Roger and Joelle Burnell Chair in Integrated Health and Technology and a co-founder of HealthRhythms Inc, a company whose mission is to add the layer of behavioral health into all of healthcare. At Cornell, she directs the People-Aware Computing group, which is inventing the future of technology-assisted well-being. The group's innovations in sensing to intervention is helping transform healthcare from a reactive to proactive system. Tanzeem received her PhD from the Media Laboratory at MIT. She has been awarded the MIT Technology Review TR35 award, NSF CAREER award, TED Fellowship, Kavli Fellowship, ACM Distinguished Membership, and Ubiquitous Computing 10-year Impact Award. For more information, please visit:
Keynote2: Ehsan Hoque - University of Rochester
Title: Computer vision to enable neurological care available anytime, anywhere
Abstract: Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is the fastest-growing neurological disorder in the world. However, access to the health care needed to treat it is sorely lacking in many parts of the world. In the US, 40% of the individuals with Parkinson’s who are above 65 do not see a neurologist. In the Arab world, there is one neurologist for 300,000 people, and in 23 African countries, the average population per neurologist exceeds 6 million.
Individuals with PD are required to visit a clinic to perform neurological tests involving modulating their facial expressions, gestures, gait, and speech to measure the severity of their tremors by a neurologist. Now, imagine a future where individuals with PD can perform the neurological tests using a computer browser and receive an automated assessment on their tremors, anytime, anywhere — improving access, health equity, and health outcomes.
In this talk, I will argue that, with the current state of the art in computer vision and machine learning, we are very close to realizing this future. I will highlight the technical challenges and opportunities ahead, along with sharing some ongoing results in pursuit of this goal.
Bio: Ehsan Hoque is an associate professor of computer science at the University of Rochester, where he leads the Rochester Human-Computer Interaction (ROC HCI) Group. From 2018-2019, he was also the Interim Director of the Goergen Institute for Data Science. Ehsan earned his Ph.D. from MIT in 2013, where the MIT Museum highlighted his dissertation — the development of an intelligent agent to improve human ability — as one of MIT’s most unconventional inventions.
His group’s work has been recognized by NSF CRII, NSF CAREER, and MIT TR35, as well as a commendation in Science News as one of ten early- to mid-career scientists to watch in 2017. In 2018, in collaboration with colleagues from the University of Rochester Medical Center (URMC), he helped establish the Morris K Udall Center for Parkinson’s Disease Research Center of Excellence through a $9.2M NIH grant. In 2020, he was recognized as one of the emerging leaders in health and sciences by the National Academy of Medicine (NAM).
Ehsan is an associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing (2015-2019), PACM IMWUT (2016-current), and Digital Biomarkers (2018-current). Ehsan is an inaugural member of the ACM’s Future of Computing Academy.
Keynote3: Susanne Lajoie - McGill University
Title: Advanced Technologies for Supporting Learning in Medicine
Abstract: Medical educators are seeking innovative educational alternatives for the delivery of instruction that can result in new ways of learning, high levels of student engagement and ultimately better performance. These types of innovations are more likely when theories of learning and instruction are used to guide the design of advanced technology rich learning environments for specific instructional purposes. Learning is at its best when it is active, goal-oriented, contextualized, and interesting. Simulations, when designed well can provide opportunities for learners to interact with instructional materials; receive feedback through the structure of the environment and/or by human or computer agents that scaffold the learner; and present adaptive challenges to sustain attention and keep learners engaged. Examples of advanced technologies to support medical students during critical thinking and problem solving, collaboration, and communication will be presented along with a description of multimodal methodologies for assessing the relationship between affect and learning in medical contexts.
Bio: Professor Lajoie is a Canada Research Chair in Advanced Technologies for Learning in Authentic Settings in the Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology and a member of the Institute for Health Sciences Education at McGill University. She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, the American Psychological Association as well as the American Educational Research Association (AERA). She received the ACFAS Thérèse Gouin-Décarie Prize for Social Sciences along with the AERA-TICL Outstanding International Research Collaboration Award. Dr. Lajoie directs the Learning Environments Across Disciplines partnership grant funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Counsel in Canada. Dr. Lajoie explores how theories of learning and affect can be used to guide the design of advanced technology rich learning environments to promote learning in medicine.